Top Drivers

Top Frisbee Golf Drivers

This list displays the top rated frisbee golf drivers. If you are looking for a disc that will help you improve your game by providing more distance, check out the recommended discs found here first. These drivers are excellent for newer and recreational players looking to take their game to the next level.

Innova Roadrunner

The Roadrunner is perfect for giving new disc golfers more distance. This disc has a high degree of turn (-4) and exceptional glide. For disc golfers who don’t regularly turn discs over, the Roadrunner will minimize fade and fly farther. The Roadrunner is one of a few distance drivers that comes in glow plastic. Adding…Read more

Latitude 64 Diamond

The Latitude 64 Diamond just might be the BEST disc golf driver for beginners. This disc has just the right speed, turn, and glide to maximize distance for weaker throwers. It’s also available in very light weights, which helps newer disc golfers overcome limited distance from low speed fade. Not only is the Diamond a…Read more