How Long Does a Round of Frisbee Golf Take? 

Find the target at this Frisbee Golf Course
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If you have played golf before, but are new to Frisbee golf, prepare to be pleasantly surprised. One of the main advantages of disc golf is that it is MUCH faster to play a round. How long it takes depends on the course you play and how you are playing it. This guide will help you know exactly how long a round of disc golf should take.

Factors Affecting Disc Golf Game Duration

The duration of a disc golf game can be influenced by several factors. One important factor is the number of holes in a game. Different disc golf courses offer varying numbers of holes, typically 9 or 18. The more holes there are, the longer the game will take to complete. Additionally, the configurations of the holes can impact game duration. Courses with obstacles, water hazards, and elevation changes may require more time to navigate.

Another factor that can affect the duration of a disc golf game is the skill level of the players. More skilled players tend to have a faster pace of play, completing each hole more quickly. On the other hand, beginners or less experienced players may take longer to complete each hole, thus extending the overall duration of the game.

The overall rules of the game can also impact the duration of a disc golf game. When playing solo, a player has more control over the pace of play and can move through the course at their own speed. However, when playing in a group, additional time may be needed for each player to take their turn. Additionally, specific rules such as the 30-second rule can influence the pace of play.

For example, let’s say a group of players with varying skill levels decides to play a round of disc golf on a course with 18 holes. The more experienced players might complete each hole in fewer throws and move quickly from one hole to the next. However, the beginners might take more throws and require additional time to navigate the course. As a result, the overall duration of the game would be longer compared to a group of players with similar skill levels.

Duration of Different Disc Golf Courses

The duration of a disc golf game can vary depending on the number of holes and the skill level of the players involved. On average, an 18-hole round of disc golf takes around 2 hours to complete. However, this can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the course and the skill level of the players.

For shorter games, a 9-hole round typically takes about 1 hour. On the other hand, longer games with 24-27 holes can take approximately 3 hours. If a game consists of more than 27 holes, it may take around 3 to 4 hours to complete. It’s important to note that these time estimates are approximate and can vary based on individual circumstances.

The number of players on each card has the biggest impact on the duration. More players generally result in a longer game duration as each player takes their turn. Additionally, the skill level of the players can affect the pace of play. More skilled players tend to complete each hole more quickly, while beginners may require more time.

For example, a group of four players, all with intermediate skill levels, decides to play an 18-hole round of disc golf. Each player takes approximately 2 to 3 minutes per throw, and they spend an average of 5 minutes between holes. With these timings, it would take them around 2 hours to complete the round. However, if the group included more players or players with varying skill levels, the game duration could be longer.

External Factors Affecting Disc Golf Game Duration

External factors such as weather conditions and tee time availability can also impact the duration of a disc golf game. Adverse weather conditions like wind and rain can slow down the pace of play, as players may need to adjust their throws and take extra precautions. Additionally, limited tee times can result in longer game durations, as players may need to wait for their turn to start the game.

Proper preparation is also essential to ensure a smooth and timely game. Players should consider factors such as proper attire, hydration, and nutrition before playing a round of disc golf. Adequate preparation can help maintain energy levels and prevent unnecessary delays during the game.

For example, if a group of players plans to play a round of disc golf on a rainy and windy day, they might need to take additional time to adjust their throws and navigate the course carefully. This could result in a longer duration for the game. Similarly, if a popular disc golf course has limited tee times available, players may need to wait for their turn, extending the overall game duration.

Disc Golf Tournaments and Game Duration

Disc golf tournaments rounds typically last substantially longer than a casual disc golf round. Tournaments can span multiple days and include multiple rounds. The number of players and rounds in a tournament can influence the overall duration. Larger tournaments with more participants may require additional time to complete all the rounds and determine the final results.

It’s also worth noting that the pace of play can vary between individual disc golf games and tournaments. In tournaments, players are often more focused and deliberate in their throws, which can result in longer game durations compared to casual rounds. Tournaments also have additional logistics and organization to manage, contributing to the overall duration.

For example, a disc golf tournament with 100 participants and four rounds would typically span over two days. Each round could take around 3 to 4 hours to complete, including breaks and time for scoring. The duration of the tournament would depend on various factors such as the number of participants, the number of rounds, and the specific rules and format of the tournament.


In conclusion, the duration of a disc golf game can be influenced by factors such as the number of holes, the skill level of the players, the layout of the course, and external factors like weather conditions and tee time availability. By considering these factors, players can better plan and enjoy their disc golf experiences. Whether playing a casual round or participating in a tournament, disc golf offers an enjoyable outdoor activity that challenges both physical skills and strategic thinking.

In addition to the factors influencing disc golf game duration, there are other aspects of the sport worth exploring. These include the history and origin of disc golf, different throwing styles and techniques used in the game, efforts to attract more women to the sport, and information about disc golf courses, equipment, and resources. By delving deeper into these topics, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the sport and further enhance our disc golf experiences.

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