Prodigy Disc Golf

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Prodigy Disc Golf has entered the scene by making a huge splash, pulling the biggest names in disc golf to join their team at launch.

Prodigy’s lineup will be a “limited release” and they announced that they would like to have their full lineup available by mid-spring. The first discs will be the drivers, followed by putters, then midrange, and capping off their releases with fairway drivers. Prodigy is using (what appears for now) a very basic naming scheme such as the “D1” and “D2″ for distance drivers. The naming scheme appears to be very similar to that used by Lightning Discs.

[two_third]Much is still unanswered about Prodigy discs – what will the quality of plastic be? Will they bring any unique aspect to the sport?

Speculation also surrounds Prodigy, but by pulling heavyweights in the sport immediately at launch, they have established immediate credibility.

This is the second major disc golf lineup brought to attention in just one month, as Dynamic Discs released their lineup earlier in December. [/two_third][one_third_last][box type=”download”]

Buy Prodigy Disc here

[/box][/one_third_last]This gives players even more discs options to become familiar with to find the perfect disc to dominate the game.

We at are pursuing retail agreements, and hope to be able to release the Prodigy lineup as it becomes available. You can see our full lineup of Prodigy Golf Discs by clicking here: Prodigy Golf Discs

When our pre-order was announced for Prodigy Discs, we sold out quickly! More releases will be on the way – if you want to know exactly when our next pre-order will start, join our mailing list!


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