Factory Seconds

Factory second golf discs (also known as X-Out) have slight factory defects that don’t meet manufacturer standards. These defects are cosmetic and are not supposed to affect flight characteristics or durability.

There are several reasons why certain discs get classified as factory seconds. The most common defects come from unwanted air bubbles in the rim, black specs that somehow end up in the disc, and errors in color configuration.
With some of the factory seconds we have seen, we can’t even tell why they didn’t meet manufacturer standards.

To make things slightly more confusing… When golf discs have serious defects that may alter flight, manufacturers like Latitude 64 recycle the plastic rather than try to resell it. Discs made from this “recycled plastic” are sold as a unique plastic blend called “factory second recycled.” These discs aren’t actually factory seconds, they are simply a different plastic blend made from recycled materials.
We also have several factory second recycled discs available for sale. This plastic is an option for most of the common Latitude 64 and Dynamic Discs. These plastic types are known respectably as “factory second recycled”, and “Bio Fuzion” and are found under the individual disc pages.
Latitude 64 factory seconds have an oval silver stamp marking them as “factory second.” Innova marks their factory seconds (including Discmania and Millennium Discs) with a big Innova-X stamp. Prodigy seconds are marked with a small “Prodigy X” stamp.
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We currently have a random assortment of factory second discs from:
Misprint Golf Discs

Misprint discs met manufacturer standards for the actual disc, but have flaws with the printed stamp. In many cases these discs were stamped multiple times. This Dynamic Discs Trespass was stamped twice in slightly different places.

In other instances the foil didn’t set properly and created a flaw in the print. Sometimes these print blemishes are very minor. Once in a while discs are simply given the wrong stamp. While it may have the Ape stamp, it’s actually a Valkyrie.
In this Misprint Latitude 64 Halo, you can see how the O is slightly faded, and how part of the Gold Line emblem is blank.

The reality is, after a few throws disc stamps are going to get scathed anyways. Discs that are double stamped are unique, and sometimes create even more impressive artwork. The double stamp of this Westside Stag gives it a unique 3D effect.
Our current misprint selection includes discs from Innova, Millennium, Prodigy, Latitude 64, Westside, and Dynamic Discs.
If you’re the type of person that likes high quality discs but not high prices, factory seconds are your best bet for low cost discs.
To view the misprint and factory second golf discs we currently have available, click the button below.
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