As fans of the sport, we would love to see Frisbee Golf as an Olympic event. However, the reality is that disc golf just isn’t played in most countries of the world right now, which kind of takes away from the entire Olympic vibe. Perhaps sometime in the future. This New Zealand article mentions it as a possible suggestion for the International Olympic Committee.
The inclusion of five new sports at next year’s Olympic Games shows the IOCs intent to put more focus on innovation, flexibility and youth in the Olympic Program. More sports are sure to be added and one that could be on the horizon is disc golf.
It’s a sport that we’re sure to be good at, with throwing a frisbee a much-loved New Zealand pastime.What is it exactly? It’s exactly like normal golf but without the clubs and the ball. You throw a disc (essentially a Frisbee) into a basket.
Source: Disc golf proponents call for Olympic Games inclusion | Newshub
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