Failed California Golf Course re-uses land to include Frisbee Golf

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In San Luis Obispo California, local government has stepped in to reuse a failed golf course to become a multi-use park that includes among other things– Frisbee Golf. There are hundreds of municipalities and private golf courses in the United States that are a financial burden on the local communities. It does not make sense for taxpayers to subsidize a sport that only the wealthy can afford. Adding Frisbee Golf (a sport more affordable and accessible to everyone) just makes sense and more golf courses through out the nation should consider a model like this.

The park has faced challenges in recent years, and a water shortage forced the county to close nine out of the golf course’s 18 holes in May 2018.

That left the county scrambling to close a $460,000 revenue gap, Franco said.

Aided by ideas from 14 public workshops, county parks officials started looking at possible new revenue streams — and came up with a plan that included reconfiguring about half of the 89-acre Dairy Creek course, one of three county-owned golf courses. (The others are Morro Bay Golf Course and Chalk Mountain Golf Course in Atascadero.)

According to Franco, future phases of the project will bring more fun to other parts of El Chorro Regional Park, including batting cages, a zipline, a Frisbee golf course, a BMX track and a mountain biking course.Park officials also plan to expand the 61-site El Chorro Regional Park Campground by building camping cabins and adding more recreational vehicle hookups and tent camping, Franco said.“This is the biggest project in that park since the golf course opened” in the 1990s, Franco said.According t

Source: SLO CA to get mini golf, go karts at El Chorro Regional Park | San Luis Obispo Tribune

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