The Lucky 13 is arguably one of the most understable drivers on the market. Upon release the disc sharply turns into an anhyzer angle, it then sails far with that flight angle, and gradually fades back to the ground shortly thereafter. After a bit of fine tuning in your throw, this is a great proves…Read more
The Roadrunner is perfect for giving new disc golfers more distance. This disc has a high degree of turn (-4) and exceptional glide. For disc golfers who don’t regularly turn discs over, the Roadrunner will minimize fade and fly farther. The Roadrunner is one of a few distance drivers that comes in glow plastic. Adding…Read more
The Innova Monarch is a high speed distance driver that provides maximum distance for intermediate golfers. This is a very understable disc, but, due to the fact this disc comes equipped with some higher speed, it proves too be much for beginners. Unlike most understable discs, this disc is actually a pretty great choice for…Read more
The Avenger was a popular Discraft mold, so why not produce it in a Super Stable version? That’s exactly what Discraft did, and the Avenger SS has become more popular than the mold which it is was craft after. If you’re an intermediate player who is looking for more distance with their backhand throws this…Read more
The TD Rush is a great distance driver for golfers who don’t like really fat rims. The Rush provides some impressive glide and understable turning while in flight and allows for some great, easy distance for intermediate golfers. The Rush is available in two quality plastics — the ultra durable C-Line, and the durable yet…Read more
The TD2 Fever is a great high speed understable disc. This discs -4 turning radius allows for a lot more with distance with reduced power, and offers us incredible gliding capabilities. This baby makes a great distance driver for the intermediate players and for pros it provides longer turning shots. TD2 Fever Dimensions: Diameter: 21.1…Read more
The ABC Secret Weapon is an ideal disc for beginner golfers to figure out how to capitalize on using some solid hyzer throwing. The Secret Weapon is rated as 10/5/-3/2, and is an understable driver capable of a long flying S-Curve. Available only in ABC’s Gold Plastic. Secret Weapon Dimensions: Diameter: 21.1 cm Height: 2.0…Read more