
Discraft Spectra

Flaming Red Spectra

The Discraft Spectra is a fast driver that takes the high speed turn and sharp end flight fade to a higher degree. This disc is made for a headwind and less powerful throwers. It farther with less effort. This disc is only available in a unique Elite Z Super color plastic. If you’re looking for…Read more

Prodiscus Midari

Orange Midari

The Midari is the midrange disc in the Prodiscus line. This stable flyer has a great feel and goes where you want it to go. This is a fairly slow flying midrange, that flies straight, and has a sharp end of flight fade. The Prodiscus Midari is available in two plastics. The basic blend is…Read more

Prodiscus Jokeri

White Jokeri

The Jokeri is a popular, highly rated putt and approach disc made by the Finnish disc manufacturer Prodiscus. This is a tall bulky disc with a flat, almost concave tip. The Jokeri is a very popular disc for short putts as well as long drives. The Prodiscus Jokeri is a reliable overstable disc that gives…Read more

Prodiscus Respecti

White Respecti

The Respecti is an overstable control driver that is a perfect choice for players wanting to throw strategic hooks, forehand throws, and overhand drives. This disc is not a disc for beginners. The Respecti was the first disc that the Finnish manufacturing Prodiscus ever produced. Respecti Dimensions: Diameter: 21.0 cm Height: 1.8 cm Rim Depth:…Read more

Prodiscus Legenda

Green Legenda

The Prodiscus Legenda is a thin, ultra fast driver that is included with a thick rim. This overstable disc is Prodiscus fastest driver out of all of their drivers. For big arms, the disc will slightly turn before executing a long and gradual end flight fade. Legenda Dimensions: Diameter: 21.1 cm Height: 1.5 cm Rim…Read more

Prodiscus Slaidi

Blue Slaidi

The Slaidi is a fast distance driver that is produced by Prodiscus. Prodiscus compares the flight of this disc to the Innova Destroyer. It is an excellent choice for any time you’re doing long drives. The Prodiscus Slaidi is available in both of the Prodiscus plastic blends. Their is the Premium plastic which is clear…Read more

Prodiscus Laseri

Pink Laseri

The Laseri is an all-new fairway driver by Prodiscus. This is an overstable disc that has a similar flight rating to the RESPECTi, but it is not quite as overstable as its brother. With the name like “Laser” you’d expect this disc to be a fast straight flyer, and it does indeed deliver. Laseri Dimensions:…Read more

Dynamic Discs Suspect

Gold Suspect with Blue markings

The Suspect is a unique versatile disc in the Dynamic Discs line. This is a relatively slow midrange with a small diameter. Coming in at a height of only 1.6cm, this is a thin disc even for a midrange. The Suspect is a very overstable disc ideal for windy days and powerful throwers. According to…Read more

Latitude 64 Mace

Grey Mace

The Mace is the newest midrange in the Latitude 64 line. This is an overstable mid that can handle big arms, but can still be controlled by less powerful disc golfers. Latitude 64 says that they took the best of all their previous midrange molds to form the Mace, and that it is the perfect…Read more

Prodigy M2

Orange M2

The M2 is the third PDGA approved mid range disc in the Prodigy line. This disc is described to be extremely reliable with a stable flight path. The M2 is designed for moderate power throws that consistently need to finish to the left (for right handed back hand throws). It is a decent flying disc…Read more